This site is a general representation of my photography, and biography as a photographer. I hope that you find it an interesting insight into my life, and career as a photographer. I have been fortunate enough in life to have been able to capture many special events...ranging from the innocence of a daily sunrise, to the immense power of the very first Space Shuttle launch.

Modeling photography came naturally to me. When I began shooting models, I created my own style. Also, I cultivated ways to make new models comfortable, as well as experienced models to get new looks and styles. {model - Barbi Sinclair}

Concert photography fell into my lap. Initially concerts at college, to working in radio, then for a major record label for a few years! Having my camera on hand, allowed me to capture lots of bands, and I still continue today! {Paul Stanley - KISS}

Sports and action shots were instilled into me early on! High school sports, then college. From there, CART/INDY CAR, NASCAR, MLB, and more! Stopping live action is one of my favorite things to do! {NASCAR - Atlanta Motor Speedway}

Press & media events are very intriguing to me. Covering red carpet events, press conferences, and even events such as the first 2 launches of the Space Shuttle for NASA. They all have moments that are intense to capture.
{NASA - STS-2 Columbia Nov 11, 1982}

The art of web design is intense, yet relaxing. Originally, I developed interest in creating my own site, the original in 1997. Gradually, I took on work for others, and have continued enjoying those projects.